Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Second Chance

So with the notes/comments out of the way.

I'm still waiting on my new work to get back to me about my clearance (and whether I have it). Once that goes through I can get a start date, and then post graduation I'll be ready to roll. I'm excited for the new work, I really think it is in line with my interests, and better aligned with what I actually want to do at work.

Some background, I interned and worked at a small NASA subcontractor, and primarily assisted with analysis work associated with Hubble Space Telescope (HST) - then I was offered assistance with going back to school for my Masters Degree, so I took the opportunity. Because I had only just graduated (May '07), and had already enrolled in the accelerated program, I ramped up the course load, and I'll graduate again this May with a Master's in Mechanical Engineering.

[Even more background, a graduate program is 10 courses - because I was in the accelerated program and did it immediately after my bachelor's, 2 courses are double counted in both degrees, so now you drop the requirement to 8 courses post grad. In anticipation of wanting to continue my education, I took an extra course as an undergrad, drop the requirement to 7 courses post grad. I took 3 courses fall semester, and now I'm taking 4 courses in the spring semester. Think about that. 4 grad level classes. Also to note, fall semester I worked 3 days a week, TA'd a course, and had the 3 classes. This is still hard, but the time commitment is different. (I grade for 3 classes)]

Speaking of --- I have class. (Computational Methods)

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