Thursday, April 3, 2008


I'm working on my vibrations homework. It's a beast. I know that it is not as hard as it seems, but the way the problems are worded, it feels like running into a wall. I have to finish by Monday night though, so hopefully get through it.

"The Darjeeling Limited" came yesterday via NetFlix (I really enjoy NetFlix by the way) and so we'll check it out tonight, see if it was any good. I think N. came up with a good description of Wes Anderson's movies, that they're pretty to look at, interesting, but kind of goofy. (I probably mis represented part of that, but anyway) In my opinion, I think they have great scenes, but aren't necessarily any good. I agree with her they're pretty to look at, and I think we agree that they aren't always any good but yeah.

Like anything else, we'll find out.

Here's a picture I took the other day in my office sanctum sanctorum (kidding)

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