Thursday, June 5, 2008

Sturm and Drang

So if you've been on the East Coast lately you may have experienced the thunder storms and humidity we've been having lately. Also the tornado warnings and watches.

We're a little bit north in Silver Spring for the Tornado stuff, but I believe I heard that Prince George's had a warning/watch.

Anyway, it's nice that it's warm, and it reminds me of the big summer thunderstorms when I was little (Whenever I was little, as in tall, not FAT! [not that it's a bad thing, to be fat])

So yesterday I was stir crazy, and chatting with B. about being stir crazy. I've done nothing but be in my apartment and go to the gym the past few days (good for me, the gym part at least) and I couldn't take it anymore. So I decided I would leave to go get a sketchbook at the Staples in Metro Center. So I left. As I'm walking to the intersection of 16th and E. West Highway, a really light rain starts, so I open my umbrella. There was also a really eerie sound of the wind rushing through this wood on the other side of the street, and it was blowing little dead tree blossoms at me.

So I'm walking and then CRACK CRACK CRACK, tons of lightening, booming thunder. Immediately it's like somebody dumped a bucket out. Just a rush of water. I struggled to get my rain jacket on (I was prepared, boyscout days?) but it didn't matter, my shirt was soaked, and my entire lower half. I had flip flops on which was good and bad. Shoe's would been soaked, but then at least there would have been SOME rubber between me and the ground. !

It was crazy, coninciding with the rain and thunder and lightening and Armageddon, the lights at the intersection of 16th E. West went out. I stood at the corner and watched traffic for awhile trying to navigate it, as well as the flooding waters.

Eventually I walked to the corner where starbutts and the metro is, and overheard a lady say that on the other side, all the power/computers were out and the automatic doors wouldn't open to let people out.

Lock In!

Maybe the worst part was, that the cable went, and I couldn't watch top chef.



nicki said...

am i b.?

see john fall said...

no, clearly you're N.

nicki said...

i thought it was a typo, as b and n are next to one another. who's b.?