Thursday, June 5, 2008


So the internet/cable is still out and I'm at Caribou coffee using their wifi on my laptop. (Because who drags their PC's out anymore)

So I waited today till 2:30-3ish so that the mail would come, and I checked it, and I then realized that what I was waiting for from work, was probably email, and I hadn't gotten it. So I called my man E. (Not the E. from college) and that either their power troubles, or my forwarding email were to blame, he sent it to my actual email, and I decided to drive over to Caribou to check it. Nice Plan. Except when I walked outside, my car was gone. uh, wtf?

So I walked around the parking lot. Nope, definitely didn't park it somewhere I didn't remember. Spoke to N. We parked it the night before where I thought we had. Shit, must have been towed by accident.

I went and asked Ms. F. where they keep a record of towings. "Why?" she asked.

Cos like, my car isn't where I parked it.

"Oh, it wasn't burgundy was it?" she said.

Well, it's red, close enough.

"Well let me tell you a story then."

And she told me this story (a few times over, so it's a little hard to forget)

"Well I was coming back from some errands and the drug store, and the mailman (fedex the second time around) was here, so I didn't want to get a $250. ticket for double parking, so I drove my truck around the back to park back there. I wanted to park in the front cos it's hot out, and I didn't really want to park in the back, but I didn't want that ticket, so I'll drive around to the back. ('86 Ford Ranger, with like 75k miles, talk about low mileage) So I drive around, and as I'm coming around there's this burgundy car backing up and the guys not looking so I stop so he doesn't hit me, and there's a couple guys in the back and the one is looking at me, and he keeps looking to see if anybodies coming or whatever. So they pull away, and there going pretty fast. And it's got NJ plates, starts with a Y. I'm always nosy, always looking into things. I only remember because the guy was going fast, and the other guy was looking at me, and the driver wasn't looking where he was going. So I thought that was weird, and then the maintenance guys came in (Luis and Hector) said they saw them get in, and they were going pretty fast so they remembered. They thought the plates were NY or NJ, they weren't sure, but I told them it was NJ because it's got the beige stripe across (across the top, yellow on the bottom).

So I ask, any idea what they look like, white, black, any kind of details?

"I couldn't really say, but I think it was four black guys"

It took four guys to steal my car, uh what? It's a 97, and aside from being not at all flashy, and pretty easily blends in, it's not really a car you'd want to steal. It's just not worth it. But then, to a car thief, or chop shop, or whatever, what is worth it?

Yeah did you read that, my car was stolen, shit.

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