Sunday, May 11, 2008


I recently installed the jscript manager/thing firefox add-on. It's been pretty interesting so far. A little annoying to have to physically allow java scripts on sites, but... it's also nice to know more about what's going on when you visit a page.

Since having my laptop I have not had any problems (aside from dropping once, which almost gave me a heart attack, the lock that locks the screen to the keyboard broke off, and I haven't yet figured out what sending it back to dell entails to get it fixed) but about a week ago AVG found a virus.

The first one I've had. It scared me pretty good, because I don't really visit sketchy sites, and so I'm not sure where it came from. So, a healthy dose of paranoia later and I'm taking more precautions.

Online privacy and security are big concerns of mine. theFacebook scares me, but I still use it. I probably should be more paranoid and get better security, but, I don't really want to pay for it. My experience with Norton is that it gets it all, but that it slows your computer to a crawl, while it examines every single thing you do. Annoying. And, my parents computer still has some bot trojan thing that Norton finds, and then when they reboot, it comes back. Awesome.

So the jscript thing blocks all scripts, and you physically have to allow them. Interesting, we'll see what happens when somebody else tries to use my computer and their webpages don't load.

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