Thursday, May 22, 2008

Outside the Canon

From now on I think I can stray from my themed titles.

I've been watching Spider-Man: The New Animated Series on instantwatch via NetFlix. It's voiced by NPH. Anyway it inspired me to catch up on The Amazing Spider-Man comics. So I have. and well, I'm outraged.

Aunt May is old. and has been old for a long time. She was old raising peter, old through high school, old through college. now he's in his thirties. I know time doesn't work the same way in the comics world. She get's shot, let her go, let the comic mature... The status quo with Aunt May... it's been done, for decades. Let it address more serious issues.

It was a beautiful set up, the pain of peter parker was palpable. the return to the black costume, he meant business, he'd do anything to save her, even talk to tony, but the end it wasn't enough. let him fail.

that's something that at least in my opinion, has always been true of peter parker and spider-man. sometimes he doesn't succeed, and he lives with the consequences (gwen stacy? the ups and downs of mary jane? i'm sure there's more, but while i love it, i'm not a details nerd for it)

so at the end of it, he makes a deal with mephisto? really? REALL? that's pretty dumb. Stan Lee may have had a vision, but it's not Marvel's job to generate the same comic forever, things can evolve, isn't that the point? (man becoming more than man)

also, if m day/decimation showed us anything, it's that peter could be, and would be, perfectly happy if everyone knew he was spider-man. he got to live the dream of it being out in the open (it's like a giant in the closet gay story, keeping the secret is part of the fun, but it's nice to know what happens when you come out [or so i assume])

we were finding that out, and it seriously wasn't explored enough.

and now that i'm reading the 'brand new day' i'm summarily disappointed. it's so... old looking. spider man looks like he's wearing pajama's. i know it's classic or whatever, but i really enjoy the modern make overs. (ultimate spidey, xmen, anyone?) or at least the edgier, darker, grittier look of the black costume issues. i think it captures new york.

damn. i'm just annoyed, i was really enjoying amazing spider man, especially when i had really only gotten into comics beginning with ultimate spidey. the story lines are just clearer, with less ret-conning b.s. it's just like, if you're making a decision with the story, make the damn decision adn stick with it. stop waving the magic stick around when you get bored or lazy. just keep up some quality writing, or hire somebody that can maintain it.

too many drivers i guess.

and so ends my rant.

Sunday, May 18, 2008


I bought a PS3, and have been subsequently addicted to GTA: IV. It's quite good, although I'll agree with the reviews that you need to play for awhile until it really gets good.

I'm currently doing the "fixer" missions, via the pay phone. I'm over 50% completion of the game.

I acquired the lamborghini . I'm doing missions for "the guy in jail" and one of the Mafia bosses.

That should give you a pretty good idea where I'm at, without giving any of the plot points away.

Oh yeah, and I graduated.

Sunday, May 11, 2008


I recently installed the jscript manager/thing firefox add-on. It's been pretty interesting so far. A little annoying to have to physically allow java scripts on sites, but... it's also nice to know more about what's going on when you visit a page.

Since having my laptop I have not had any problems (aside from dropping once, which almost gave me a heart attack, the lock that locks the screen to the keyboard broke off, and I haven't yet figured out what sending it back to dell entails to get it fixed) but about a week ago AVG found a virus.

The first one I've had. It scared me pretty good, because I don't really visit sketchy sites, and so I'm not sure where it came from. So, a healthy dose of paranoia later and I'm taking more precautions.

Online privacy and security are big concerns of mine. theFacebook scares me, but I still use it. I probably should be more paranoid and get better security, but, I don't really want to pay for it. My experience with Norton is that it gets it all, but that it slows your computer to a crawl, while it examines every single thing you do. Annoying. And, my parents computer still has some bot trojan thing that Norton finds, and then when they reboot, it comes back. Awesome.

So the jscript thing blocks all scripts, and you physically have to allow them. Interesting, we'll see what happens when somebody else tries to use my computer and their webpages don't load.


Updates on my to-do list.

1. I bought my Mom a Mother's Day present (A Color Your Own Gauguin Book [with stickers and temporary tattoos])
2. I have not yet found or looked for the key to the rope chain lock.
3. I haven't bought my Dad a birthday present, but I know what I want to get.
4. I practiced and gave my presentation. (And got an A in the course)
5. I studied for and took my CompMethods Final (And got a B in the course)
6. I still need to take the Check to Wachovia.
7. I studied for and took the Vibrations Final (And Got an A in the course)
8. I have not finished my collage yet.
9. I have not finished or started my blanket yet (That's for this week)
10. I have not finished the patches bag.
11. I have not started spring cleaning yet
12. I have not found a frame for new hulk poster
13. I have not figured out when to cancel cable
14. I talked to miss francis about moving out
15. I finished college, but haven't graduated yet

Still a lot that I need to do, and I'll get on it. I also want to purchase a nice-ish leather journal, and remove my old journals from xanga to a word document or something. There's a lot on those (there's two) but they are all private, and it'll be one hell of a trip to go through all of it.

Thursday, May 8, 2008


I finished. I'm feeling exceptionally... nostalgic? probably not the right word, but it's the first that comes to mind. I'm just thinking about the past 4 cross that, 5 years of college. And it's amazing how fast time passes. Damn.

I took a break from the yoga I was doing to quickly write this. The side pose with the leg out when you are bent over to one side, kills me. I was super flexible when I first started doing this, but now I'm not.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Artful Dodger

To Do List

1. Buy my Mom a Mother's Day Present
2. Find the key to the rope/chain lock
3. Buy my Dad a Birthday Present
4. Practice final presentation
5. Study for computational methods final
6. Take 401k check to wachovia
7. study for vibrations final
8. finish collage
9. start/finish blanket
10. finish patches bag
11. start spring cleaning (getting rid of shit)
12. find a frame for new hulk poster
13. figure out when to cancel cable
14. talk to miss francis about moving out
15. Finish College

Sunday, May 4, 2008



Great News from work.

Iron Man was awesome (stay past the credits)

Free Comic Book Day was cool.

There Will Be Blood = They Will Be Bored

Friday, May 2, 2008


Classes are all done for the semester!

Only a few finals left, so close!

I need to go grade papers for dynamics


Classes are all done for the semester!

Only a few finals left, so close!

I need to go grade papers for dynamics

Thursday, May 1, 2008

High Angel

I'm going to see Iron Man tomorrow night at 8 at Gallery Place. I'm excited.

Free Comic Book Day is Saturday too, cool.