Thursday, April 3, 2008


I forgot to mention, while I'm not sure if I'll catch it tomorrow night, I'm excited for the 4th and final season of Battlestar Galactica. Tomorrow is the first new episode.

Also to clarify, I didn't watch until the first three seasons were already out, I had seen the original as re-runs on the sci fi channel it was... dated. But my sister told me I had to watch it, and it was really good. Also the guy from the Soup likes it, so, that justifies it being not that nerdy/geeky to watch it.

Also, the actress [tricia helfer] (I had somebody give me a hard time once, and told me that male/female, they are all actors now) who plays Caprica6 has posed nude for Playboy. I found that a bit surprising when I reading an interview today, not exactly sure why, but I was. (surprised)
here's the wired interview.

If you haven't checked it out yet, I suggest at least watching the mini-series, if it's not for you, it's not for you, but if it is, it's worth it.

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